Microsoft is looking forward to attending KDD 2013 in Chicago and would like to meet you, please stop by our booth and say hello! Microsoft luminaries in attendance will include:
JC Mao
Jan Pedersen
Zijian Zheng
Brian Frasca
Ronny Kohavi
Rakesh Agrawal
Raghu Ramakrishnan
In addition, Microsoft is hosting two events and would love to see you there!
Microsoft’s Exclusive Event: Microsoft is hosting an exclusive and...
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Jobs Blog - Posts tagged with 'OSD'
Microsoft is looking forward to attending IEEE ICASSP 2013 and would like to meet you, please stop by booth #11 and say hello! Microsoft luminaries in attendance will include Li Deng (Conference Co-Chair) and Larry Heck of MSR. Members of our Conversational Understanding team whose work powers Microsoft’s speech technologies will also be in attendance, we hope to see you there!
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Meet Michelle Holtmann, Principal Program Manager Lead in Bing Platform Experience.
I am also celebrating my 13th anniversary with Microsoft. I have been blessed during my career here to have worked on so many interesting things, including spending the last two years working on Entertainment Search technologies for Xbox [for both their console and Windows apps]. During my...
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Dear Santa:
I don’t ask for much but since last year’s request of winning the lotto or hitting the jackpot in Vegas was a bust, I have prepared a better list. One with more tangible items that I know you can easily get your hands on.
Louis Vuitton Handbag Jimmy Choo Shoes (size 8 ½ ) Diamond Earrings Anything Burberry Microsoft’s Surface Halo 4 and some toys for my cat Rose and puppy Colonel
Oh and last...
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Elisa Jasinska started her Internet career as a Network Engineer at the
Amsterdam Internet Exchange in 2005. The exchange point, also called
AMS-IX, is a member driven non-profit Internet exchange based in
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. With its small team, great atmosphere and
incredibly smart people, AMS-IX made Elisa enthusiastic about networks and
Internet technologies and she has been enjoying the Internet industry
ever since.
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Cyril Bounanna is a Senior Development Lead for the Bing Data Quality and Measurement Team. Today he presents to us a real-life scenario that software engineers and testers encounter when they are building Bing.
Software engineers have developed a lot of expertise and solutions to assess code quality. From static analysis to E2E automation, performance benchmarks, or search relevance, we know how to verify if our code does the right...
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I think that everyone would agree with the statement that we live in a world that is ever changing and always evolving. The standard way of doing things in the past are being replaced with the better, faster, more efficient versions and this can been seen in almost everything we do. Making a career change is no exception.
Gone are the days of reading the ‘Want Ads’ in the newspaper, or dropping off your resume to that potential...
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Working as a Staffing Consultant within Online Services Division here at Microsoft, I am constantly reminded that my job has a lot of similar aspects to sports and trying to put together a team that is set up to win. While watching the NBA Eastern Conference Finals this past weekend, I noticed the intricacies of what it took to put a winning team on the court. Even before teams come together, there is a lot of behind the scenes work that...
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As we head into the NBA Finals, my mind turns to Erik Spoelstra and the unique situation he is in. With the finals starting tonight, I think about how Erik Spoelstra’s role as head coach of the Miami Heat, a team of very strong individual players each with their own strengths translates to the world of high technology and people management.
Understand your players – Understand your team – how they operate as a team, their...
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Have you heard about The Microsoft Garage? It’s not a place to park or fix cars. The Garage is company wide initiative, compromised of a community, events, and services to foster and support grassroots innovation inside of Microsoft. In the Garage, you’ll find over 3000 people from across Microsoft who are eager to hear your ideas, provide feedback and, quite possibly, turn those ideas into reality.The Garage also offers...
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