Bing on Xbox: The Future of Entertainment Search


Imagine a world where hunting for the lost remote control or endlessly scrolling through a scheduling guide becomes a thing of the past.   

Instead, what if the entertainment you wanted to have was simple, discoverable and exactly what you wanted at that particular moment? With the release of the new Xbox 360 experience the future of entertainment search is here. With Bing on Xbox you can sort through all of your entertainment content – including movies, games, TV shows, apps and music – with just the sound of your voice.  Beginning December 6th and in the coming months, voice search with Bing on Xbox will start to roll out, enabling you to easily find the entertainment you’re looking for, across: Netflix, Hulu Plus, Comcast Xfinity on Demand, HBO Go, Zune and more across Xbox LIVE.  

Bing on Xbox opens up living room entertainment the same way search engines opened up the web. When you think about the state of entertainment, there isn’t a lack of selection, the challenge is finding what you want in a timely manner. Now when you say “Xbox, Bing, Star Trek,” Bing will show you all the available options for the movies, music, games, on-demand TV and apps that match that title.

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