I think that everyone would agree with the statement that we live in a world that is ever changing and always evolving. The standard way of doing things in the past are being replaced with the better, faster, more efficient versions and this can been seen in almost everything we do. Making a career change is no exception.
Gone are the days of reading the ‘Want Ads’ in the newspaper, or dropping off your resume to that potential...
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Jobs Blog - Posts tagged with 'Kay'
Bing will be hosting a recruiting event in Sydney, Australia the week of January 30th thru February 3rd, 2012 to recruit top talent from all over Australia and neighboring countries and our focus will be:
Software Development Engineer (SDE)
Software Development Engineer In Test (SDET)
Program Managers
UX Designers with Portfolios
All experienced levels who are interested in relocating to the U.S. At this time, we are looking to hire...
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Diversity is defined by a single word: variety – which basically means different. But very few people follow up with the question:
“Different in what way?” The next question we all want to ask, and don’t, is this: “How and why is diversity important in the workplace?”
We can all agree that we really just need to find the right skill, the right talent for our companies and clients. But I really want to...
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Microsoft Advertising will be hosting a recruiting event in mid-October this year to recruit top talent from all over Russia and neighboring countries specifically focusing on Software Developers of all experience levels who are interested in relocating to the U.S. At this time, we are looking to hire engineers for the roles below. ALL roles require strong coding and development experience.
Software Development Engineer (SDE)
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Twitter search is fairly straightforward. Because it is real time Boolean Searching String capable however, don’t expect to get number of results since that’s fairly pointless in this situation. Just expect to get results from the last few seconds back, and you get the full tweet.
Twitter Search defaults to AND, and it recognizes the “OR” option, and assumes that “NOT” is a search term, although the minus...
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1. Be Real This is the first and foremost principle of advancing your blog karma. Being real involves not falsifying who you are, being transparent about who you are, and what you believe, and, most of all, sharing an honest voice. Humans trust others that have an authentic voice.
2. Respond Yes, tough as it is, when you have a high volume of unsolicited emails someone...
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SourceCon Conference 2010, San Diego California
Recruiters are turning out in droves to the online space, making their marks with videoing, blogging, social networking and other creative outlets. I was observing at this year’s SourceCon Conference how the online venues have changed with the increasing prevalence of recruiters using blogs with photos, videos, social networks, etc. This raises interesting conversations around how we...
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Over the weekend I attended and was one of the Speakers at SourceCon 2010 Conference.
What is SourceCon?
It was becoming an urgent need in the recruiting industry to have a conference that was focused on the art (some say science) of Sourcing and Researching – SourceCon was born and launched in 2007. In today’s challenges a growing need in specialization of identifying and attracting talent. This specialized skill is...
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This is part 2 of 2. See the first 4 skills in yesterday’s post.
5. Transparency – Recruiters will ask straightforward questions, but are sometimes met with less-than-forthcoming answers. Why is this? Well, some say because candidates become shy about circumstances in their past that didn’t go so well. Here is some straight advice: better that the recruiter know what may have happened now, than having to do damage...
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1. Realism – Recruiters are one way to get into your choice company when looking for a new job. However, they are not nor should they be the only way you take. My advice is that you work multiple recruiters and be honest about it, because the recruiters will find out eventually. Get involved and build your social network, and be active in professional associations. As recruiters, we’ll do our very best to find the best match and create...
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