We have teamed with Windows
Phone to help you find the perfect app. Announcing the Bing
Visual Search Gallery for Windows Phone 7 apps.
If you’re in the US or UK, you can now use Bing Visual Search Gallery (VSG)
to quickly and easily narrow the library of Windows Phone 7 apps down to the
precise one you’re looking for .
Whether you’re looking to sort by category- say games, music or productivity-
or by price, rating, top downloads or the ever popular “free”, we’ve got you
covered. On the left rail, we provide easy to use filters that allow you to
focus your search and find what you’re looking for in a matter of clicks. If you
want to check to see if a popular app is available, just type the name into the
search bar.
What do you do once you’ve discovered a great app? Just click the link to the
app and Bing will display the details page with a direct link to Zune
Marketplace, where you can download the app to your PC and wirelessly sync to
your phone via Zune. If you’re interested in discovering which Windows Phone is right for you can
also check out the Windows Phone 7 VSG here.
– The Bing Team
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