So, we’ve been reading some interesting posts lately about MSN Found. It seems that people are taking us a bit too seriously and have a not-so-accurate perception about what it’s really about. The campaign is simply meant to be an alternative way to entertain people and let them know about MSN Search. The pages aren’t supposed to be “blogs” but are character pages – this is a fictional search “opera,” told through a narrative of the characters. In essence, it is a story that lives within the engine, and will unfold over the next 12 weeks. So yes, these are actors, and this is a story – its intent is to entertain and based on the traffic we think that we are succeeding.
Regarding RSS, we originally decided against it because there are very few updates planned as the story already exists within the engine and will unravel through clues that users discover. But we hear your feedback and we’re adding RSS.
Sean Carver, MSN Marketing