Social Job Search by Ali

I think by now we all know that Bing is more than just a search engine, it’s a decision engine.  But did you also know that your friends can now help you make better decisions?  A couple weeks ago, the Bing team introduced the world to Social Search.  Social Search is a feature of Bing which combines search results with the likes of your Facebook friends. 

When you sign into Facebook on the Bing homepage, the collective know-how of your friends is now included in your search results.


So how can you use this in your job search?  Let’s say one of the Bing recruiters contacts you about an opportunity working on social search.  You can do a search on Bing and see if any of your friends have an interest in Bing Social. Now you know you can reach out to your friend to talk more about the product and ask his/her perspective.


And let’s say that you are invited to come out to Seattle to interview with MS, but you aren’t sure who you can ask about the area.  Social search can help you here, too.


Now you can connect with those friends in the area and ask their advice on what to see and do when you are here interviewing.  And when you accept an offer from Microsoft, those same friends can be a trusted resource in helping you get acclimated to Seattle. 

We know that decisions aren’t always easy to make.  But now Bing makes it easier for you to make decisions with a little help from the people you trust the most, your friends.