Okay, I will admit it is a little typical for a “black girl” to blog about diversity though Microsoft recently hosted a Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Inclusion event, so the timing is right. From the ’60s to today, the human race is definitely in a place to celebrate just how far things have come, though there is still more work to do. I just watched the “I Have a Dream Speech” in the video section of Bing. (In order to view it, search on the title of his speech on the video page…There are a plethora of choices of available. I found the full speech on the first page of my results.) Dr. King was and still is inspiring. In looking around the room at Microsoft’s The Day of Inclusion event, the speakers and the audience are diverse. Every ethnicity, sexuality, hair color, eye color, etc. are represented. People are sitting side by side, nodding their heads and listening to stories about overcoming adversity. The vibe in the room was electric…The speakers were on point. I left the event feeling elated that I work for Microsoft, and on a mission to do more. What is your company doing to promote diversity as there is still more work to do…