Do you find that you spend more time digging through documentation trying to figure out what properties do rather than spending time building great apps? IntelliSense can help.
A few weeks ago, someone asked me if there was any IntelliSense support for Bing Maps. I vaguely remembered there being an open source project that added IntelliSense for Bing Maps AJAX v6.3 in Visual Studio. With a quick search on Bing I found the project on CodePlex and the original blog post about it. I noticed that one of our Bing Maps MVPs, Nicolas Boonaert, had started to put together IntelliSense functionality for Bing Maps AJAX V7 a few years ago. Since then a lot of new features and functionalities have been added to V7, so I reached out to Nicolas, and in our spare time over the last couple of weeks we added IntelliSense for the rest of the API...READ MORE