Bing refines its copyright removals process

In a continuous effort to enhance the Bing user experience and promote the expression of free speech while simultaneously upholding the rights of intellectual property and copyright holders, Bing has streamlined the copyright removals process.  We heard your feedback and understand that sometimes websites that experience alleged copyright infringement issues have a difficult time gaining visibility into the problem and getting relisted. ...
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How To Tell Bing Your Website's Country and Language

With cloud services such as Windows Azure now a viable alternative to traditional web hosting, numerous webmasters have reached out to us to ask if, and how, Bing uses the document location as a part of its ranking algorithm. In other words: does cloud-based web hosting outside of the document’s intended geography negatively impact a document’s ranking?  Though it’s only one of over a thousand features we consider in...
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How To Tell Bing Your Website's Country and Language

With cloud services such as Windows Azure now a viable alternative to traditional web hosting, numerous webmasters have reached out to us to ask if, and how, Bing uses the document's location as a part of its ranking algorithm. In other words: does cloud-based web hosting outside of the document intended geography negatively impact a document's ranking?
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Detailed traffic stats feature now available

You asked for more detailed data.  We heard you. As part of our ongoing effort to bring more usable data forward for publishers, this week we made additional reporting improvements for your site’s traffic. Located under the Traffic tab, page traffic gives detailed information for your top performing pages in Bing. This includes impression, click, CTR, and Average position. It also provides a list of query terms which have had that...
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