Bing Webmaster Blog - Posts tagged with 'SEM'

The merciless malignancy of malware Part 3 (SEM 101)

We're going to diverge a bit from our regularly scheduled programming. Normally this column discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and related elements of search engine marketing (SEM), but we're knee deep into our multi-part series on malware and we're going to begin the wrap-up with a talk about improving computer security.
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The merciless malignancy of malware Part 2 (SEM 101)

Malware infections are no laughing matter. When they afflict your website, they can infect your customers, who won't appreciate your sharing, intentional or not (and I'm guessing it's not)! And if Bing discovers malware on your site, your listing in the Bing search engine results pages (SERPs) will either be completely omitted or the link to your site will be disabled, so when the searcher clicks on it, only a malware warning appears.
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The merciless malignancy of malware Part 1 (SEM 101)

The Web is an incredible place, filled with amazing media, fascinating content, and wonderful social opportunities, and there’s more of each than anyone can possibly ever consume. But unfortunately, it’s not a benign place. There are more than a few malefactors out there who actively seek to take over your computer for a variety of nefarious purposes.
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