We’re over half way through our five week Bing Rewards $250,000 sweepstakes to help public schools. So far hundreds of teachers’ projects impacting thousands of students have been funded and there’s still $100,000 in funds to be won and given away! We’ve sent notification to the third set of ten winners (pending confirmation of eligibility). If your name isn’t listed below, there is time to enter to win by...
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Bing Search Blog - Posts tagged with 'donorschoose.org'
We’ve drawn and sent notification to the first ten winners, pending confirmation of eligibility, in the Bing Rewards $250,000 sweepstakes to help public schools. Ten more winners are being drawn each week over the next four weeks, for a total of 50 winners, so if your name isn’t listed below, you can still enter for a chance to win!
These lucky winners will get the opportunity to help public school students and their teachers with a $5...
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It’s that time of year.
To celebrate back to school, today we’re launching our biggest Bing Rewards sweepstakes yet! 50 winners will get the opportunity to help public school students and teachers with a $5,000 gift card to spend on DonorsChoose.org. DonorsChoose.org lets public school teachers from across the country request resources that will engage their students: paintbrushes, microscopes, xylophones – even soccer balls...
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We’re excited to announce the launch of a brand new Bing Rewards redemption center, including some hot new rewards, lower prices on some of our most popular items and an enhanced site design. The Bing Rewards team is committed to continually evolve the program experience with input from our members and today’s release delivers on a number of suggestions and requests that have been made.
To streamline the redemption process, all...
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What if you could enlist the best minds in the tech industry to consult for
your nonprofit or startup? What if you could corral the top product designers,
search engine marketing experts and platform gurus from Google, Twitter,
Facebook and Microsoft in one room, describe your marketing challenges and have
them brainstorm areas for improvement?
A few months ago, at the inaugural “social hackathon” (sponsored by Bing and Windows Live...
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Bing is ready to share some holiday cheer with deserving schools – our goal is to give one million dollars to schools in need before December 31st! Starting today, you can help us help kids with one simple click here. The Bing One Million Dollar Giving Challenge is in partnership with DonorsChoose.org, a long-term partner of Bing that connects individuals with the schools and classrooms that they care about most.
Help Bing Give One...
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I was in New York last week and decided I’d stop by the Donors Choose offices. I love Donors Choose because when people use their service, they become hooked on supporting education. They see what a little money can do to help our teachers, our schools, and our kids. It pays dividends. So when Charles came into the meeting and told me that they had one of only two tents on the National Mall at this weekend’s...
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Are the class lists up yet? Are you starting to look into what school supplies are on your list this year? Well if you are like many of the families right now your kids have started to get the itch to get their school stuff in order. Bing is here to help. Go to Bing shopping to get some of this season’s best deal on supplies, clothes, shoes, gadgets, backpacks and more. With Bing shopping you are able to refine your search by product, price...
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Every day students use Bing to learn and explore, so we have a vested interest in seeing them succeed. Whether that is through providing new tools for teachers and students, sponsoring programs like 10,000 Rockets or through our various partnerships. Recently we have had the opportunity to partner with DonorsChoose.org to help bring funding to classroom projects across the US with programs like the Teacher Appreciation program that just...
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