Bing Search Blog - Posts tagged with 'design'

Bing Discusses Design and Technology in NYC

Earlier this week, Bing gathered together a variety of taste makers and journalists at an intimate and interactive panel to discuss the convergence of design and technology. Moderated by Scott Erickson, senior director for Bing, we heard from panelists designer Jonathan Adler, HGTV personality David Bromstad, fashion designer Cesar Galindo, ELLE Décor senior editor Ingrid Abramovitch, and Bing’s Michael Kroll. Conversation was lively,...
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Stepping Out of the Search Box

Since the beginning of Bing, we’ve set out to do search differently. We felt that indexing information was important but we know magic doesn’t come from just giving a list of a zillion links. Magic comes from people being able to do things with the information they find and from empowering people to do what they need. Providing clarity and context for what matters. From searching for that perfect answer or mapping the quickest route to...
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