Bing Search Blog - Posts tagged with 'Search Quality Insights'

A Deeper Look at Autosuggest

Autosuggest enables people to select a query from a pull-down menu of suggestions when they start typing a query. You often find the query you want in the menu and select it, saving you extra keystrokes while reducing a chance of misspelling. It is a feature that people may take for granted but upon examination it involves a tremendous amount of technical sophistication and computational horsepower. In this blog Antonio Gulli who is our...
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Search Quality Insights: Behind the Bing It On Challenge

As I mentioned in my original post there has never been a more exciting or challenging time to be in the search space. The core to a great search engine has been and will always remain the same: delivering relevant, comprehensive and unbiased results that people can trust. We use thousands of signals from queries to documents and user feedback to determine the best search results and in turn make hundreds of improvements to our features every year...
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Bing Search Quality Insights: Minimizing Answer Defects

Back in March, Jan Pedersen explored the topic of Whole Page Relevance. In the post, he outlined how Bing ranks media objects to deliver a rich set of results that go beyond just web pages using machine learning techniques. These objects include videos, images, maps, news items and assorted media objects or what we call answers. Today, Kieran McDonald will detail how we ensure that the answers are not defective and the results match the intent of...
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Bing Search Quality Insights: Friends and Experts

  The foundation of web search has been built on keywords, links and clicks pointing to pages. This approach is great for finding web sites but search is more than about simply finding pages. With the help of social networks, people are able to share nearly everything they do in digital form and offer their opinions on almost every conceivable topic. From real-time streams to social conversations, connections are created that present the...
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Search Quality Insights: Scientific Research Contributions (I)

Researchers and engineers in Microsoft Research (MSR) and Bing R&D have been working closely together and have made significant contributions to the science of search. These contributions often start as basic research ideas published as scientific articles in international conferences and journals. These articles are reviewed by search experts from industry and academic institutions around the world, and only those that significantly advance...
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