At Bing, we understand that search is more than simply finding information and browsing a collection of blue links pointing to pages around the web. We’ve talked about doing instead of searching and how Bing continues to expand its approach to understand the actual world around us.
Today, you’ll see this come to life on in a feature called Snapshot. Snapshot brings together information that you need at a glance, with rich...
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Bing Search Blog - Posts tagged with 'Richard Qian'
At Bing we are continuing to expand our collection of entities (people, places and things) and deepen our understanding about them. Our goal is to provide you with more insight into these entities so you can quickly discover useful information and in turn, get things done faster when you search on Bing.
Introducing Timeline
Over the past few weeks, we have been rolling out a new feature called “Timeline” that takes these efforts...
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At Bing we are committed to giving you the most relevant search results possible. In addition we also strive to provide direct information about the entities that you search for, e.g., people, places, and things, based on our understanding of those entities and their relationships stored in Bing’s knowledge repository called Satori. You can read more about how all this information comes together in our earlier blog here. As we wrap up the...
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