Bing Search Blog - Posts tagged with 'HTML5'

Trick or Treat? Ring, Ring… They’re Here!

On the Bing homepage, we’ve made it our mission to help you explore the world around you.  Today, we’re possessed to help you explore a world beyond. Head over to Bing.comand enter our house … if you dare! Happy Haunting! – Kristin Dean, Managing Editor, Bing Homepage Team
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Bing for Mobile Goes HTML5

Today, we’re excited to announce the next step in the evolution of Bing for Mobile, with the release of the new Bing for Mobile app for iPhone and Android (coming soon to more devices). Today’s update uses HTML5 to blend the mobile browse experience with the app experience so you get a consistent and fast mobile search experience whether you’re using from your browser or the Bing app. Rather than tightly binding...
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Something New on the Homepage!

Here at the Bing homepage team, we’re always looking for ways to bring you a little something special. Today we’re really excited to announce the first ever video homepage. If you have an HTML-5 enabled browser, you now get all the beauty and intrigue of the Bing homepage with a little breath of life added. Users without a modern browser will continue to see the gorgeous still photography that we’re known for. Not getting the...
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Coming to a Windows Phone Near You: Mango

Coming To a Windows Phone Near You: Mango The Windows Phone team officially unveiled their next major release, codenamed Mango, today. Over here at Bing we are just as excited as they are about the great new features this release includes but naturally, the expanded Bing features are what really get us pumped up, so let’s start there. Some of our favorite new Bing features include: Bing vision and music search for identifying and learning...
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Bing Previews a More Beautiful Search Experience in IE9

We are very excited about the IE9 beta launch today in San Francisco. The team has put a lot of work into building a browser that helps to unlock the beauty of the web. Bing was one of several publishers to preview some new possibilities from the combination of fully hardware accelerated HTML5 in IE9. We are very excited about the new capabilities in IE9 and how they can be used to provide a very rich search experience.     ...
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