Bing Search Blog - Posts tagged with 'Betsy Aoki'

Why I Told a Dude to Go to a Women’s Conference

This week is the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, and my friend and coworker Matt Wallaert is presenting. Because I told him to apply. Yes, that’s right: I sent a dude to a women’s conference. I’ve worked in tech for 18 years. I started out as a PM at the, founded Seattle’s chapters of Webgrrls and Linuxchix, worked at a small B2B startup with a female leadership team, and later came to...
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Making a Dent in the Universe

I remember sitting down in a café in the University district of Seattle with one of the conference founders of Dent, Jason Preston. Inspired by the Steve Jobs’ quote about putting a dent in the universe, he and his co-founder Steve Broback wanted to create a conference for people who had that same urge to make a dent– but in a down-to-earth, practical way, that would allow people to go back to their ventures with tools and tips...
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Bing Loves Women Entrepreneurs at Women 2.0 PITCH Conference, San Francisco

We are returning to San Francisco for the Women 2.0 Conference and are looking forward to meeting the hundreds of women entrepreneurs who are taking the world by storm! To do our part, we are offering support to help women-founded startups achieve liftoff. As sponsoring hosts of the conference lunch, (aside from food) we’ll be offering mentorship opportunities from subject matter experts who have insights around investment and funding...
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Bing Casting Call: Startups in their Own Words

The Bing Casting Call series is a startup video experiment. With the help of Bing’s Ted Roduner (a colleague with a camera) and master promoter Marcelo Calbucci, originator of the Seattle 2.0 Web site, we set out to capture the startup experience from the horse’s mouth. Our aim was to create a platform where startups could share, convene and learn from one another. With this in mind, we put out a call to startups who wanted to share...
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The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Invent It

When I’m asked how search needs to change, I often talk about how many new types of data and services need to be incorporated into the results to help you do something rather than just find something.  That means there could be thousands of new businesses created that Bing can tap into in much the same way we use Everyscape for our restaurant interior panoramas, or to help you find the cheapest garage before a Lakers...
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Calling Boston Startups: Bing Hosts Free “Findable and Fundable” Event with Venture Cafe

I actually grew up in the Boston area (go Red Sox!) so it’s with a collision of nostalgia and a sense of the future becoming reality I now embark on a project as part of the emerging Boston startup scene. Through the kind folks at NERD (don’t you love it when a sexy tech building has the right name?) in Cambridge, Mass. we were introduced to the Cambridge Innovation Center. The CIC folks led us to the amazing volunteers at the Venture...
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REDU at the Webby Awards

With equal parts irony, humility, and pride, last night I attended the 15th Annual Webby Awards in recognition of the REDU project receiving the Activism Webby Award for 2011. The REDU team on the Bing side was comprised of Stefan Weitz, Aya Zook and myself. We worked with Creative Artists Agency, Rokkan and Good for content and site design, and in the process engaged via the CAA Foundation with multiple nonprofits: CityYear, Communities in...
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Bing Feature Update: Bing News with Real-Time Twitter feed and Enhanced Entertainment Sharing

Over the past few months, we have been working hard to help customers make more informed decisions in search by surfacing the kind of information you can only get from your friends, often in real-time.  Today, we are pleased introduce two new ways to experience Twitter and Facebook on Bing. Bing News adds real-time Twitter updates: Awhile back we introduced Bing social which lets you plunge into the real-time tweet stream to uncover the...
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Creating a Hackathon for Good – Justice League Style

What if you could enlist the best minds in the tech industry to consult for your nonprofit or startup? What if you could corral the top product designers, search engine marketing experts and platform gurus from Google, Twitter, Facebook and Microsoft in one room, describe your marketing challenges and have them brainstorm areas for improvement? A few months ago, at the inaugural “social hackathon” (sponsored by Bing and Windows Live...
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Bing and O'Reilly Radar - The Future is Now

When we look ahead, the one thing we can safely predict is the rate of innovation happening in the 21st century will only get faster.  Over the past 10 years, we have seen the rise of a strong online economy, bloody revolutions tweeted globally and the compression of information into tiny amounts of physical space. Thanks to those changes, the cell phone changed its form factor and capabilities, and real-time...
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