Here's a summary of what's changed since our March 3 update:
• Increasing Chat Turns: We've increased the maximum number of turns you can have in a single conversation with Bing from 6 to 10. The total number of turns per day has also increased to 120. We are experimenting with even longer chat sessions, and you can expect these numbers to continue to increase over time.

• Faster Skype chats: We heard from you that Bing was slow to respond to your conversations in Skype. We've halved the latency of Bing chat responses, so you get answers faster. If you haven't already, download the latest version of Skype to try it out.
• Fixing "Something went wrong": We've identified and fixed several of the bugs which triggered a "Something went wrong" error when trying to initiate chats with Bing. We will continue to monitor and address the remaining scenarios where this error appears.
Keep your feedback coming!
- The Bing Team