It’s a Full Moon for Bing Today

With New Moon coming out soon, Halloween around the corner and the release of the new Bing TV commercial it seems like everywhere you turn these days there are pale, strikingly good looking people with fangs…yes we are talking about vampires.

Our Latest Bing advertisement is the first in a series of new commercials where we highlight specific ways Bing can help simplify your life and help you make decisions faster. If you haven’t caught the Bing commercials on TV you can view them on Bing’s Youtube Channel. Oh – and you may notice that the featured homepage image in the latest Bing TV spot came from Jeremy Somers the Bing photo contest winner.

(Please visit the site to view this video)

What do you think? Are there specific aspects of Bing you would like to see in a Bing commercial? Let us know!

Kristin Meldahl – Bing

Other post of interest:

The Eye of the Storm – Jeremy Somers