A little fun with a little office

We like shipping. We work hard to ship good products. In fact, we’re probably working hard right now, as you are reading this, towards shipping something we hope is exceptional. But sometimes we need a break. Hugh Williams, a Search dev lead, took a break in January. After moving across the Pacific Ocean, building a team, and doing a heck of a lot of other great stuff, he flew back to Australia to do whatever people do on vacation (or “holiday” as Hugh calls it). But we decided we owed him something for leaving Seattle to enjoy summer in the southern hemisphere. So we built him a bit of a surprise for his return.

We put together a short film to document some of the fun we had during the project. We hope you have as much fun watching as we did building and filming! And needless to say, if for some bizarre reason this video makes you want to work with us, we are always looking for great people!

If you send us prank ideas for future travelers then you might be seeing another video in the next few months!

Scott Blomquist & Julie Farago

Search Team dev & PM