Listening to our users

First of all, thanks for your valuable feedback via the website and around the blogosphere.  I read the feedback coming in from the site as a part of my job. Thankfully we’re past the performance hiccup of day 1 – the initial beta instability made for lots of uninteresting feedback! 

On the feature request side, we’re seeing lots of interesting ideas, some new and some old. Our advanced user base wants a more extensive search syntax.  Other requests include audio search and more Encarta answers.  

Finally, I know many of you have done vanity searches – it’s about 25% of our relevance feedback.  We’ve worked very hard lately to improve our ability to find your very own little corner of the web. That said, the majority of failed vanity searches were index issues. Please visit our submit url link to make sure your site is in the index.   

Use the “Help us Improve” feedback link.  We’ll be reading.   
