Maps Blog - Posts tagged with 'virtualearth'

After the Roadshow...

After the Roadshow...

If you were not able to join Clemens in Amsterdam for the Microsoft Maps Roadshow, we would like to share some of the highlights of this well attended event and where you can go to look for more great information on the topics covered.
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Bing Maps Global Building Footprints Released

Bing Maps Global Building Footprints Released

You might have noticed that Bing Maps has been releasing open building footprints around the world. As of June 6th, 2023, we have detected 1.2B buildings from Bing Maps imagery between 2014 and 2023 including Maxar, Airbus, and IGN France imagery and released a new full dataset.
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Traffic Cameras in Bing Maps

Traffic Cameras in Bing Maps

Seeing is believing. Here at Bing Maps we know the value of traffic information, however, there is something to be said about being able to see the current road conditions. We are proud to announce that you can now view more than 35,000 traffic cameras across 11 countries in Bing Maps. Let’s take a look! First we are going to turn on the traffic layer. You can do this by clicking on Traffic. Now you should see traffic information overlaid on...
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Bing Maps provides more accurate trip times worldwide

Bing Maps provides more accurate trip times worldwide

Bing Maps now provides more accurate trip times when calculating directions around the globe. Bing Maps now supports traffic-aware routing worldwide, including Clearflow technology that predicts traffic on roads that do not provide live traffic data.
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Geography awareness week is Nov. 16th -22nd, GIS Day is Nov. 19th

Geography awareness week is Nov. 16th -22nd, GIS Day is Nov. 19th

Hey teachers, students, parents and geography lovers, did you know that this week is Geography Awareness Week? It was established by the National Geographic Society 25 years ago to encourage American citizens to “think and learn about the significance of place and how we affect and are affected by it.” 
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How to create bounded tile layers in Bing Maps (JavaScript)

How to create bounded tile layers in Bing Maps (JavaScript)

Tile layers are a great way to visualize a lot of data on a map and still have good performance. Depending on the type of data you are displaying as a tile layer, you may find that it is localized to a small part of the world. If this is the case then you will want to limit the loading of tiles in your app to that area. 
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A New Route for Bing Maps Developers

A New Route for Bing Maps Developers

The premise of my blogging started as a result of trying to eliminate writing the same email to different people multiple times over. After all, if one person had a question, it made sense that someone else was going to eventually ask the same question. 
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15 New 3D Cities Available in the Bing Maps Preview App

15 New 3D Cities Available in the Bing Maps Preview App

Introducing a new way to explore the world in a touch-friendly way. We’ve been flying, driving and processing since then and have just added 15 more 3D cities to the list we launched with. With the help of world builders from the video game industry, expert photogrammetrists, high definition aerial cameras and a massive data pipeline crunching petabytes of imagery, we are delivering a more natural way to experience our planet.
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