Maps Blog - Posts tagged with 'Bing Maps at Microsoft'

Recap: Bing Maps at //Build/ 2015

Recap: Bing Maps at //Build/ 2015

First off we would like to say thanks to those who attended the Bing Maps sessions during //Build/ 2015 in person or online. We would also like to say thanks to those who came by the Bing booth and to ask us questions or to just try out the our new 3D maps on a Microsoft Perceptive Pixel device (large touch screen, predecessor of the Surface Hub). Bing Maps made its way into lot of presentation at //Build/. In this blog post we want to highlight...
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MapPoint Alternatives Using Bing Maps

MapPoint Alternatives Using Bing Maps

If you are considering the Bing Maps Platform as an alternative to MapPoint, but you are looking for a partner to help you migrate from Mappoint, there are several options that you can explore with or Developer Partners
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A New Look for Pushpins, Popups, and Transit

A New Look for Pushpins, Popups, and Transit

  We’ve just rolled out some exciting new updates to that make it easier for you to find information on the map, explore the layouts of over 850 venues, as well as get to where you’re going with public transit (or transport). Read on to learn more! Pushpin and Popup refresh 
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Bing Maps in HeyGov! Helps Governments Manage 311 Issues

Bing Maps in HeyGov! Helps Governments Manage 311 Issues

,I’d like to highlight HeyGov!, a solution that uses MapDotNet, Bing Maps, and Azure to communicate and manage 311 issues for governments and citizens. Earlier this year, ISC won a Windows Azure contest for the best US Public Sector Application and used the winning application as the foundation for HeyGov!.
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Is Bing Maps Just a New Name?

Is Bing Maps Just a New Name?

Not the case. Well, Bing Maps is pretty much the same, but we did get the new logo and image captions of what’s on’s home page. Oh, and the URL is now; however, more importantly, there are other Bing properties that are implementing Bing Maps in a variety of ways.  
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