Maps Blog - Posts tagged with 'Bing Maps V8 control' - Page 2

Announcing Bing Maps V8 control for the Web

Announcing Bing Maps V8 control for the Web

It is with great pleasure that we announce the preview release of the Bing Maps V8 control, Microsoft modern web mapping platform. The Bing Maps V8 control reduces development time by requiring less code to implement more features into your app. It also brings significant performance improvement by using the HTML5 canvas, which provides the ability to render vector data significantly faster than previous versions of the Bing Maps JavaScript...
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Four New Bing Maps Web Control Modules

Four New Bing Maps Web Control Modules

By Ricky Brundritt, EMEA Bing Maps Technology Solution Professional In September of 2011 we started the Bing Maps v7 Module Code Project. The purpose of this project is to create a single place where developers can find and share useful modules that expand the functionality of the Bing Maps Web API. 
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Sound Transit: Riding the Bing Maps Wave

Sound Transit: Riding the Bing Maps Wave

Sound Transit has launched their new public transit system featuring Bing Maps and leveraging their repository of public transit information to create a trip planner for Seattleites to get around town. 
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Add Bing (Maps) to Your Safari Browser Extensions

Add Bing (Maps) to Your Safari Browser Extensions

Did you know that Apple’s Safari browser has extensions that allow 3rd party services, such as Bing, to add on capabilities such as Bing Search, Bing Travel and arguably most important Bing Maps? Find out more at Microsoft Bing for Safari
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Overlaying Parcel Boundaries on Bing Maps

Overlaying Parcel Boundaries on Bing Maps

In coordination with Digital Map Products (DMP), developers can now easily overlay over 100 million US parcels to more easily identify boundaries between properties. Using a simple, native method in Bing Maps and DMP’s ParcelStream API with just 7 lines of code (yes, SEVEN) you can tap into this wonderful trove of parcel information. 
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Rendering Historic Maps on Bing

Rendering Historic Maps on Bing

One feature of the Bing Maps APIs that has gained a lot of traction is the ability to overlay custom tiles atop the Bing Maps tiles to illustrate tons of data in a raster format. 
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Thematic Mapping and Heat Maps with Virtual Earth

Thematic Mapping and Heat Maps with Virtual Earth

I’ve had a couple inquiries about heat maps of late, so wanted to ensure people are aware of the capabilities enabled and resources available for creating heat maps with Virtual Earth.Check out some of our great samples at
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Cleveland Rocks!

Cleveland Rocks!

O-HIO! This is pretty awesome. The State of Ohio’s Department of Transportation has rolled out a site for all you Buckeyes (and those of you living in the Ohio who didn’t go to The Ohio State University). Navigate to and you’ll see a huge bing map!
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