Maps Blog - Posts tagged with 'Bing Maps Roads'

Traffic Cameras in Bing Maps

Traffic Cameras in Bing Maps

Seeing is believing. Here at Bing Maps we know the value of traffic information, however, there is something to be said about being able to see the current road conditions. We are proud to announce that you can now view more than 35,000 traffic cameras across 11 countries in Bing Maps. Let’s take a look! First we are going to turn on the traffic layer. You can do this by clicking on Traffic. Now you should see traffic information overlaid on...
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Embed Bing Maps Twitter Maps On Your Site

Embed Bing Maps Twitter Maps On Your Site

NOW, you can embed our Twitter Maps functionality into your own web site. This means you can be cool by having a Bing Map on your web site, blog, favorite social networking site with the Tweets you care about. 
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