Did somebody say more Bird's Eye imagery?

***Updated July 2023***
The Bing Maps team continues to release more stunning high-resolution oblique (45-degree angle) aerial Bird's Eye view. This most recent wave of Bird's Eye imagery that was released over the last several months represents over 80,000 square kilometers of new imagery spanning 100+ cities in the United States.

In case you missed it, you can find details on previous Bird's Eye imagery releases in our blog posts from July 2019 and November 2019. With over 300 cities in the United States with new Bird’s Eye imagery, the Bing Maps team will keep rolling out more Bird’s Eye imagery over the coming months and beyond.

Not only is Bing Maps Bird's Eye imagery available at bing.com/maps, and is used in the 3D cities constructed in the Windows Map App as well as Microsoft FlightSim, but it's also available through the Bing Maps for Enterprise Developer Platform either using an SDK or directly calling a Bing Maps REST API as follows:

There is a variety of ways for Bing Maps Platform developers to bring this incredible Bird's Eye view into applications for web and mobile. To learn more about the Bing Maps Platform and how to create a Bing Maps account to access these APIs and services please visit microsoft.com/maps.

This blog contains both examples of the most recent Bird's Eye angle imagery that has been released to Bing Maps and how to leverage this imagery in your own projects.

MIT Stata Center - Cambridge, MA

Location Data, Visualized Using The Imagery API

Almost every facet of the versatile Bing Maps API platform, including Bird’s Eye, is powered by a database of high-res imagery. Whether you’re looking for a hotel using Streetside or just sightseeing with Bird’s Eye, our extensive location data allows you to view the finer details without losing out on resolution.

Bing Maps’ Imagery API makes it possible for developers of all skill levels to access both static and satellite imagery with just a simple URL request.


This Bird’s Eye angle imagery request includes the desired coordinates, as well as a specified zoom level. Bing Maps API developers can also specify different levels of Bird’s Eye resolution for a customized viewing experience. In this case, we’ll be working with a 900px700px tile.

This request will return the following image:

Bing birds eye maps image

Fetching Bird’s Eye Metadata With Bing Maps API

It’s also just as easy to delve deeper into a particular location’s metadata. Learn about where, when, and how an image was taken at any given point with a single request. Here’s what a typical response from the Imagery API would look like in JSON.

  "__type": "ImageryMetadata:http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1",
  "imageHeight": 256,
  "imageUrl": "http://ecn.{subdomain}.tiles.virtualearth.net/tiles/r{quadkey}.jpeg?g=6644&mkt={culture}&shading=hill",
  "imageUrlSubdomains": [
  "imageWidth": 256,
  "imageryProviders": null,
  "vintageEnd": null,
  "vintageStart": null,
  "zoomMax": 21,
  "zoomMin": 1

Fields like ‘vintageStart’ will provide the earliest available date for a given tile of imagery, while ‘vintageEnd’ denotes the latest available date. The other fields mainly correspond to the physical qualities of the image, such as zoom level and resolution. These details add another level of insight to an already unique Bird’s Eye angle.

Keep in mind that the resource returned by the API will depend on the nature of the request. Viewing a Bird’s Eye request might look different from a Streetside request, depending on the resources involved. This feature is useful for developers who want to make sure what they’re looking at is up to date, and also has applications for surveying and business research.

Bird’s Eye view of independence hall in Bing Maps

Cathedral Park in Portland, OR on Bing Maps

Enhanced Web Mapping

Gone are the days when developers had to deal with the bulky file sizes and slow load times that came with working on high-res imagery. Bing Maps API integrates its repository of Bird’s Eye angle location data with a resourceful web control that allows for fast load times.

V8 Web Control is the developer’s entry point into simplified web mapping. You’ll be able to create fast-loading web apps powered by the HTML5 grid canvas. This ensures fast load and view times, even when working with Bird’s Eye imagery, as well as animated tile layers and heat maps. User convenience is also prioritized here, facilitating seamless development across multiple user platforms such as:

  • Desktop: Windows, Linux and Mac
  • Mobile Tablets and phones: Surface, iOS and Android
  • Or any other device with a Modern HTML 5 browser

With customizable dimensions and fast rendering, there’s no limit to what Bing Maps API developers can achieve with a Bird’s Eye angle.

Bird’s Eye view in Bing Maps

Developing With Bird’s Eye View

Kickstart your app with Bing Maps API’s focused developer support features. Our interactive SDK has interactive code samples and tutorials that encourage experimentation and creativity on your part. You’ll also find samples for other useful complementary features like Streetside and spatial data services.

With access to free documentation, code samples, and a popular Bing Maps forum, developing with Bird’s Eye has never been easier.

Barclays Center in Brooklyn NY

Cities and areas of interest that have recently been updated with new imagery taken at the Bird's Eye angle:

Alvin, TX Franklin, TN Oak Ridge, TN
Bartlett, TN Galveston, TX Oceanside, CA
Baton Rouge, LA Gonzales, LA Olive Branch, MS
Baytown, TX Haverhill, MA Oregon City, OR
Beaumont, TX Hermitage, TN Patchogue, NY
Bessemer, AL Horrel Hill, SC Philadelphia, PA
Blacksburg, VA Houston, TX Pittsburgh, PA
Bloomington, IL Irmo, SC Plainfield, NJ
Bonita Springs, FL Irvine, CA Plaquemine, LA
Boston, MA Jeffersontown, KY Pomona, CA
Bristol, CT Kannapolis, NC Pontiac, SC
Brockton, MA Kansas City, MO Port Arthur, TX
Brooklyn, NY Knoxville, TN Port St Lucie, FL
Buffalo, NY La Jolla, CA Portland, OR
Cartersville, GA La Mesa, CA Providence, RI
Cary, NC Lebanon, TN Raleigh, NC
Chapel Hill, NC Lee's Summit, MO Reading, MA
Cherry Hill, NJ Lehigh Acres, FL Red Bank, SC
Chester, PA Lemont, IL Seymour, TN
Chicago Heights, IL Lenoir City, TN Sherman Oaks, CA
Chula Vista, CA Leominster, MA Tallahassee, FL
Cinco Ranch, TX Levittown, PA Taunton, RI
Cleveland Heights, OH Louisville, KY Texas City, TX
Collinsville, IL Mastic, NY Tolland, CT
Commack, NY McDonough, GA Tom's River, NJ
Concord, MA Memphis, TN Tonawanda, NY
Cudahy, WI Middletown, CT Trenton, NJ
Cumming, GA Middletown, NJ Villa Rica, GA
Danbury, CT Midlothian, VA Warren, OH
De Soto, KS Milwaukee, WI Weymouth, MA
Denham Springs, LA Missouri City, TX Wilmington, DE
Duncan, SC Mundelein, IL Windsor, CT
Durham, NC Murfreesboro, TN Woonsocket, RI
East Chicago, IL Nashville, TN Worcester, MA
Escondido, CA Newnan, GA Youngstown, OH
Excelsior Springs, MO Oak Lawn, IL  

More Bird's Eye angle imagery will continue to be released for Bing Maps and available for viewing over the coming months, so please check back soon for further updates.

Accessing this latest batch of high-res Bird’s Eye imagery is as easy as creating a Bing Maps API key. Create yours and get started with development right away.

- The Bing Maps Team