Live Search Maps Netherlands…Geboren

In the footsteps of the Live Search Maps Finland site launch, Live Search Maps Netherlands is now live on the web.


Explore The Netherlands like never before with a localized experience including business search powered by our partner De Telefoongids, 43 cities in Birds-Eye view, 3D, Collections and directions (both driving and walking). I received a lot of positive feedback for my translation of the Finland site, so here you go in Dutch for The Netherlands.

Straat (Road {Maps})
The route coverage for The Netherlands is excellent in Virtual Earth, so you’ll see tons of roads throughout the country.

Lucht (Aerial {Maps})
We have everything from low resolution satellite imagery to high resolution aerial photography.

Vogelvlucht-weergave (Bird’s Eye View) – 43 Dutch cities in Bird’s Eye.

Live Maps Netherlands now has the 3D view activated. This allows viewing the world in all dimensions, gives access to near-real-time weather and a growing number of 3D cities around the globe. Bird’s Eye overlay allows overlying the 3D view with our real bird’s eye photography. 

Bedrijven (Search {Yellow Pages})
Put in the Wat (what) and put in the Warr (where) and start exploring a local yellow page listing result set provided by De Telefoongids.

Verzamelingen (Explore Collections)
It is now possible to explore collections on Live Maps Netherlands. Collections are user generated content that is collected from all over the web. Zoom in and click on "Verzamelingen" to view all areas of interest on the map.

Delen (Share)
Users can now not only share map links in mail but also publish them to their blog with just one click.

Route-advies (Directions)
The routing engine now allows the creation directions using Snelst (rapid itinerary), kortst(shortest itinerary) or lopen (walking) algorithms. Walking directions is available in the Virtual Earth giving users the quickest way suitable for pedestrians.

Afdrukken (Print)
The site provides you with a specific style sheet setup just for printing.

This site was also built using the Virtual Earth platform almost exclusively? Yes, the very same one you have access to. What country is next?