Jobs Blog - Posts tagged with 'job search'

So you didn’t get the job…4 things to do next

You prepared for the interviews, felt the interviews went well, and all signs pointed to yes…and yet in the end they decided to go in a different direction.  Now what? After you brush off the upset/mad/confused feelings and start some introspection, realize that this might be one point in your life where you’re more open to a little self -improvement/growth. How do you regroup and make this a net positive experience?   1) Ask...
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4 Reasons Why Job Seekers Should be Present and Active on Social Media

With Social Media making its way into our daily lives, we are relying on it more and more for our communication, information, and, in some cases, even our jobs. As a Recruiter in the Application and Services Group at Microsoft, Social Media is an avenue that my colleagues and I are on daily to search for and reach out to job seekers. If you are someone who is looking for a new role and interested in hearing about what other companies are doing in...
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Challenges of Testing Data - Is it Really 73°F in Seattle right now? – by Cyril Bouanna

Cyril Bounanna is a Senior Development Lead for the Bing Data Quality and Measurement Team.  Today he presents to us a real-life scenario that software engineers and testers encounter when they are building Bing. *** Software engineers have developed a lot of expertise and solutions to assess code quality. From static analysis to E2E automation, performance benchmarks, or search relevance, we know how to verify if our code does the right...
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Why Should You Talk to a Recruiter, You Ask? I’ll Tell You - by Andrea LaCoy

I think that everyone would agree with the statement that we live in a world that is ever changing and always evolving. The standard way of doing things in the past are being replaced with the better, faster, more efficient versions and this can been seen in almost everything we do. Making a career change is no exception. Gone are the days of reading the ‘Want Ads’ in the newspaper, or dropping off your resume to that potential...
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Scouting For Talent - by Brian Christensen

Working as a Staffing Consultant within Online Services Division here at Microsoft, I am constantly reminded that my job has a lot of similar aspects to sports and trying to put together a team that is set up to win. While watching the NBA Eastern Conference Finals this past weekend, I noticed the intricacies of what it took to put a winning team on the court. Even before teams come together, there is a lot of behind the scenes work that...
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Bing Staffing Tip of the Month

  Hello job seekers! I hope you are off to a great start into the new decade. Now that 2011 has made its grand entrance and we are in a new year, have you thought about a new job? Here is an easy tip to help you prepare for your next interview! Keep a “kudos” or “You Rock” folder on your computer. Yes, I’m serious! Every time your efforts result in something that gets special recognition from your manager or...
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Dear Candidate: Help Me Help You by Marie

Dear Candidate: When I like your resume enough to pull you out of our database and we’ve arranged a time to talk on the phone, I hope you’ll to be prepared to talk to me.   When I ask you to “tell me about yourself,” I hope you’ll be ready for the question.   There should not be a long, uncomfortable silence from you when I ask this. When you get on the phone during...
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What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? by Jamie

It is that time of year again, what are you going to do better or change in 2010?    For 2009, I was going to give up ice cream – I lasted until March.  I have decided to abandon empty New Year’s Resolutions.  This year, I am getting smarter.  I am setting goals with easier execution points.  Bing is helping me with execution. I am focusing on being more informed about current events.  This is an...
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Jobs and Presents Galore by Jenna

A whole lot of jobs opened this week in Bing.  You might be busy with your holiday shopping instead of looking for a job, but it’s a good time to head over to the careers page if you haven’t visited in a while.  New jobs in Boulder, Colorado, new roles for Ph.D.-style researchers, and a slew of new senior opportunities make this a great time to check it out.   The holiday season can be an unique opportunity...
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