Dr. Ying Li is the Partner Engineering Manager responsible Online Services Division Privacy and Ads Technology Security and Compliance. Prior to her current role, Dr. Li was responsible for building Audience Intelligence and ad targeting for Microsoft’s Online Service Division, had established the data mining services to MSN businesses worldwide, and was a key founding member of Microsoft’s adCenter business. Dr. Li had built...
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Jobs Blog - Posts tagged with 'ideas'
I have been working as a user experience and visual designer for Bing since
October 2009. Over the past year and a half, I have gotten to help redefine the
visual look and feel of the product, as well as drive design for several
innovative new features. I see search as a very exciting area to work in because
of the opportunity that I have to organize and visualize the world’s information
in new, more meaningful ways. I think Bing design will...
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Wishing to write a great blog but don’t feel you have time? Your wish is my command! I want to show you some practical ways you can write a blog post AND the best part is that you’re going to get it done in less than 10 minutes. Some might even take 15 minutes, but what is 5 minutes more? Before I begin, let’s cover some scary content-based blanketing the Internet: quantity does not = quality. Most blog writers know the...
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