Jobs Blog - Posts tagged with 'LaShawn'

I’m Working at Microsoft and We’re Donating Imagery to OpenStreetMap!

 I’ve super excited to tell you that I’ve accepted a position as Principal Architect at Bing Mobile and am moving to the Seattle, Washington area to work on maptastic things! Yay! Even better, Microsoft is donating access to its global orthorectified aerial imagery to help OpenStreetMappers make the map even better than it already is. OpenStreetMap, the project I founded, allows users to draw features like buildings and...
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Recruiting is like match making by LaShawn

I am LaShawn Morgan, a Staffing Consultant at Microsoft.  I’ve been in the recruiting industry now for 10 years.    I’ve often been asked, “why did you get into recruiting?” and “do you like what you do?”  I was certainly asked this question when I recently spoke to a group of students from a communications class & a student leadership conference at Western Washington University (WWU...
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