Seattle Geek Girl Dinner at EMP!
What do Madonna, Chrissie Hynde, Lady Gaga, and Tina Turner (among many, many others) all have in common? They rock. What do you and your female counterparts in the Seattle tech community solving tough challenges, delivering innovative solutions, and changing the world we live in for the better all have in common? You rock too.
It’s time to get all these rockin’ women under one roof to share ideas...
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Jobs Blog - Posts tagged with 'Girl Geek'
Last Wednesday, Microsoft Advertising sponsored the 13th Seattle Girl Geek Dinner. For those of you that haven’t heard of the Girl Geek Dinner community, it was started by a woman in London, who had a vision for geeky women across the globe to have informal community that facilitated learning, networking, and fun. Liz Morgan, a Talent Strategist for the Online Services Division started the Seattle community back in 2008. This is Microsoft...
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