Bing Open House -

Am 22. Juli 2013 hatten wir Paul Savage von der Münchner Agentur BLACKDOG.IE zu Besuch. Die Agentur wurde von Paul im Jahr 2007 gegründet und arbeitet eng mit deutschen Kunden sowie mit Klienten aus UK, US und Irland zusammen. Die tragenden Säulen der Internet Consultancy sind Domain Strategy, Search Engine Optimization, Conversion Optimisation und Usability Testing.       


Im Rahmen des Meetings hat uns Paul einige Fragen zu seiner Person sowie zum Thema SEO und Search beantwortet. Unter anderem hat der studierte Mathematiker ein spannendes Tool entwickelt, mit dem “Bing” & “Google” nebeneinander positioniert werden kann und somit ein direkter Vergleich möglich ist. Mehr dazu findet Ihr im folgenden Interview:  

Hi Paul,

Please introduce yourself briefly. Who are you and what are you doing? | Bitte stelle Dich kurz vor und erzähle uns, was Du machst?

My name is Paul Savage, originally from Ireland, but now living the dream in Munich. After coming to visit the Oktoberfest in 2002, I managed to get an internship in Munich the following summer. Another year later and 3 weeks after I finished my last exam I started working for Infineon Technologies AG as a system engineer. I’ve a Science degree (Mathematics & Physics) and an Engineering degree in Microelectronics from UCC in Ireland. I worked on a team that was heavily focused on analysis of large data sets. The team looked at memory traffic between the CPU & DRAM memories. It was my job to programming new ways of analyzing this data. I’ve always been comfortable looking at data, and this was how I got into SEO.

My first website was a blog about jobs & careers, and I found myself being consumed with the number of visitors it received per day. I was amazed that small differences could change my websites ranking on search engines, and it was there I began to test, analyse and learn about SEO in my spare time. It 2009 the company I worked for filed for bankruptcy, and I decided to work for myself, offering my analytical skills for SEO and programming experience. Things started off well with a tool I programmed in 2009 that compared Bing & Google side by side was picked up by mainstream media like Techcrunch &

When did you start working in the SEO / Digital Business and how did you get there? | Seit wann bist Du im SEO-Business und wie bist Du dort gelandet?

My first website,, a blog about jobs, was launched in 2000. Over the years I tested different ways of increasing the search rankings, and this continued further that competitors were asking me for help with making their websites rank better on search engines. When I lost my job in 2009 I decided to offer my services full-time under the name I’ve worked & trained businesses all over Europe on website strategy, not just SEO, since then, and it’s been a fantastic experience. Working for myself is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. 

Give us a short characterization of your IT Consultancy? Any prominent Features? | Wie würdest Du Eure Agentur beschreiben? Was zeichnet Euch aus? 

Initially I used my uniqueness as being a native English speaker in Germany to my advantage. Here I offered my SEO services to German companies wanting to improve the English version of their websites, while giving support for these projects in German. Over time my focus has changed from offering link-building & content development to a more broad search engine & conversion optimisation strategies. I’ve worked on a number of projects focused on fixing bad SEO and web penalties, I’ve found these types of projects very challenging due to their associated time & financial pressures. 

Over the past 4 years I’ve worked in various industries, this year’s focus has been a lot on online education and strategies for training. This has resulted in yet another side project of mine, a platform offering training by email, keep an eye on for more!

Please list some Points in each case about what you like and what you don’t like (needs to be improved) concerning Bing. |  Nenne uns jeweils fünf Punkte, die Dir an Bing gefallen und die Dir nicht gefallen.

Likes: I love the interface, it runs fast, is simple to use and ads are labelled clearly. The overall quality of the search results returned are of a really high quality. The video preview feature when you hover over a video SERP. The Bing Webmaster tools, if you haven’t checked it out you are really missing out on some important information about your website.

Don’t Likes: Domains that rank well based on their keyword matching domain names. The fact that bing search says beta. I would think that over time it would have matured based beta stage.


Im Rahmen von Bing Open House lädt Microsoft Influencer aus der SEO- und Digitalbranche zu einer informellen Gesprächsrunde mit anschließendem Mittagessen ein. Durch gegenseitigen Austausch und Wissenstransfer sollen beide Parteien voneinander profitieren. Eingeladene Gäste können die “Köpfe” hinter dem Produkt Bing kennen lernen und erhalten einen Einblick in die Arbeitsweise vor Ort sowie Informationen über Produktneuheiten und Möglichkeiten der weiteren Zusammenarbeit.

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