Canada’s Top Bing Searches for 2013

What did Canada search for in 2013? Based on the aggregation of millions of search queries, we are unveiling the top search trends of Canadians in 2013. Here’s what we found: Most Searched Person of the Year Twerking her way to the top: Miley Cyrus becomes the most searched person in Canada this year. Canada doubles down on the Kardashians in 2013. It appears Kim Kardashian isn’t enough and we welcome Kourtney Kardashian into the top...
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Stepping Out of the Search Box

Since the beginning of Bing, we’ve set out to do search differently. We felt that indexing information was important but we know magic doesn’t come from just giving a list of a zillion links. Magic comes from people being able to do things with the information they find and from empowering people to do what they need. Providing clarity and context for what matters. From searching for that perfect answer or mapping the quickest route to...
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