How to Extend Your App with Talking Maps

In a previous blog post we had a lap around the new support for Custom Geospatial Data in the Bing Spatial Data Services (SDS). This time around we will build upon that tutorial and extend the app so that we can talk to it and have it talk back. Check out the video to see and
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Introducing Support for Custom Geospatial-Data in Bing SDS

The Bing Spatial Data Services (SDS) have always supported the management and retrieval of your points of interest (POI). You can upload text or XML-files with addresses or GPS-locations and batch-geocode or reverse geocode them, you can store them in the cloud and query your points of interest in a radius around a location, in
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Complex Polygons in Bing Maps

In Bing Maps we can easily create simple polygons. Simple polygons consist of a single exterior ring of coordinates. However, in more advance applications it is useful to be able to draw more complex polygons. Take for instance the borders of Lesotho, which is a land locked country within the main exterior borders of South
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Clustering Pushpins in Windows Store Apps

Clustering of pushpins in Bing Maps consists of grouping together nearby locations into clusters. As the user zooms in, the clusters break apart to reveal the individual locations. The goal of this process is to reduce the number of pushpins that are displayed on the map at any given time. This results in better performance
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Draggable Pushpins in Bing Maps (.NET)

When building a Bing Maps application, you may want to give the user the ability to drag a pushpin. In the JavaScript version of Bing Maps this can be done by setting the draggable property of a pushpin to true, but the Pushpin class in the .NET version does not have this property, so what
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