Today, we are pleased to announce several rendering and styling improvements to Bing Maps on to enhance aesthetics and usability. Gradient Land Color We introduced a new gradient coloring for land areas that adjusts the brightness to your zoom level. The land color will now be lighter when zoomed out and get darker when
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Engineering Blog - Page 7
Not long after the Bing Maps Windows Store apps SDK was first released we published a blog post on how to calculate and display routes. We created a simple input form to allow the user to enter a start and end location and then displayed the route instructions using a ListBox. This works fine, however
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A while ago I wrote a blog post on How to Share Maps Using the Search Charm in Windows Store Apps. In that blog post we made use of the Bing Maps REST Imagery service to generate a static image of the map that we could share in an email. This method has a couple
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At //build 2014 there were many exciting announcements. It would have been easy to miss one of the implications of the moment of glory for Internet Explorer 11 during the keynote on day 1. The demo of the new FishGL website gave a hint about the enhanced support for WebGL in IE11 and, while I
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I just feel better when I have a certain level of fitness. It has less to do with bringing my body into shape for the speedo season and more with general happiness. For me ‘mens sana’ (a sound mind) lives indeed ‘in corpore sano’ (in a healthy body). Whenever possible I try to get my
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A while back I wrote a blog posts called Image Overlays with Bing Maps (JavaScript). In this blog post we saw a couple of different ways to overlay an image on the map and bind it to a bounding box such that it stays correctly positioned when panned and scales as you zoom the map
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Triggering certain actions such as sending notifications or alerts when a device enters or leaves an area is often referred to as geo-fencing. The geo-fence, the boundary of the area of interest, can be dynamic like a radius around a school or around your own device, it can be pre-defined such as a neighborhood, city
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Today we’re releasing the Bing Knowledge Widget for webmasters and publishers. It’s an easy-to-deploy, JavaScript-based widget for webmasters that detects and visualizes entities on the webpage and displays rich information about the entity. It provides your visitors with quick access to relevant information about the entities on the page, and keeps them engaged, entertained, and
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BUILD 2014 App Linking Blog Post Link Your App to Search Results App discoverability and app engagement are major challenges that app developers face every day. With millions of apps out there, how do people discover your app? And after a user installs your app, how do you encourage them to engage with it? According
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From time to time I come across developers who want to have an auto suggest search box to use with their map. Your first thought might be to simply use the Bing Maps geocoding services to do this, however this often ends up generating a large number of transactions. If you are using Bing Maps
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