Bing Blogs - 11

Guest Post: Maplytics Dynamics 365 CRM Territory Management

Guest Post: Maplytics Dynamics 365 CRM Territory Management

Inogic is a Microsoft Gold ISV Partner that specializes in Bing Maps integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Dataverse. Find out more about Sales Territory Management and how it can keep both your customers and sales professionals happy using their Maplytics solution within your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM.
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Tapping into Large Language Models with Microsoft’s Turing Academic Program

Tapping into Large Language Models with Microsoft’s Turing Academic Program

The advantages of large language models are undeniable due to the capabilities achieved and opportunities ahead. We must also consider the benefits and potential harms coming via uses of these models. In 2021, we founded the Microsoft Turing Academic Program (MS-TAP) that provides academic teams with access to some of the world's largest language models. The program reflects our belief in the importance of having diverse and talented teams...
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HO HO HO! Microsoft and Bing Maps help NORAD track Santa!

HO HO HO! Microsoft and Bing Maps help NORAD track Santa!

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is preparing for their annual tradition of tracking Santa around the globe. As NORAD conducts its primary mission of defending Canadian and United States airspace, they take on the supplementary mission of tracking Santa's journey for the holidays.
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Microsoft Bing Makes Holiday Shopping Easy!

Microsoft Bing Makes Holiday Shopping Easy!

The secret to holiday shopping is finding the right gift – and the secret to finding the right gift online is using the right tool, like Microsoft Bing. Bing gives back time and value, making it faster and easier for you to go from searching to finalizing your holiday shopping.
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How to Build a Shipping Routes Map

How to Build a Shipping Routes Map

Create a shipping route map with Bing Maps API’s fleet management solutions, including itinerary optimization and truck routing. Build with Bing Maps API today
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Gifts for map and geography geeks

Gifts for map and geography geeks

This holiday season, are you looking for gift ideas for someone who loves maps or geography? Or are you looking for a unique gift for someone who is hard to buy for? There are all kinds of great gift ideas for map geeks, relating to maps and geography, that we at the Bing Maps API team wanted to share!
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