How to improve ranking (From the Forums)

We in the Bing Webmaster Center team are very fortunate to have such a bright, vibrant, and helpful community of users in our Webmaster Center forums. From time to time, I will take a moment to highlight some useful and interesting threads found in the forums in this new blog column.

The goal of this new, periodically published column is multifold. First, I want to identify the Webmaster Center forums as a useful resource for webmasters and SEOs who have questions pertaining to Bing, our Webmaster Center tools, or about search-related issues in general. Second, I also want to highlight this growing community of terrific VIP participants. They are amazing in how much they do to help their fellow webmasters and SEOs. Lastly (but not least!), I especially want to thank our forums administrator, Brett Yount, for making our forums such a great information resource for both active participants and quiet lurkers alike.

From time to time, I will publish quick blog posts highlighting an interesting thread of conversation or a useful nugget of information that I think our blog readers might also want to read. Today’s forum conversation of note is the ongoing thread regarding how one can get a relatively new website to rank well in the search index, with a specific follow-up question about the value of actively dropping backlinks in forum comments:

How to get a high PR without paying?

This thread includes some interesting and useful comments from volunteer contributors Dr Aldus, Quality Directory, JSherrod, and many others. Enjoy!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to post them in our Webmaster Center forums. Until next time…

— Rick DeJarnette, Bing Webmaster Center