Bing Helps You Get There Faster

Recently, we rolled out a faster way for you to get directions between two places on Bing*. Now, when you search for driving directions from say, Los Angeles to San Diego, we’ll surface the estimated travel time, mileage and map at the top of the search results page on Bing.


When you click on the map or the “turn by turn directions” link, we’ll launch the Bing Maps experience where you will see a detailed set of turn-by-turn directions. Because we know directions are most useful when you’re on the go, we’ve enabled this mobile browse experience across the top smart phones including Windows Phone, iPhone and Androiddevices.


Here are a few sample queries you can try out for yourself.

We’re constantly exploring ways to help you spend less time searching and more time doing, so please stay tuned for more updates to our directions experience.

– Prashant Bhugra, Senior Program Manager, Bing

*This feature is currently only available in the US.