More People Turning Online to Research

Today PewResearchCenter released a report that goes into depth on the rise in how we are researching products online.  One of largest increases Pew found was how people are using the web to make their shopping and services decisions by comparing products and options online.

We agree – in fact, we know how important having product information and reviews is to you before you make that purchasing decision. With that in mind, we’ve worked hard to deliver a compelling and useful summarization of reviews across the web in areas that people care about within our Bing shopping expereince.

Not only do we aggregate these detailed ratings & reviews sourced from in one place for you we also provide you with product images that we source straight from the merchant, shipping information, and helpful links to other product information like manuals & brochures.


Are you one of the 58% of adults that have conducted a product search online? Or are you one of the 21% of adults who on a typical day research online? If you are, you are part of this rise in people who are turning to the internet to find out more information before they make a purchasing decision and we hope that you turn to Bing to help you make that decision faster and easier.

Kristin Meldahl – Bing

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