Live Search - making it easier to go green

Today, countries all around the globe unite to observe Earth Day, a day designated nearly 40 years ago to inspire awareness of and appreciation for our environment. Despite this long tradition, according to a study from MSN, being green still isn’t all that easy. In fact, the MSN survey found that almost 70% of Americans said that they would never start composting kitchen scraps nor limit their toilet flushes to conserve water. One thing we know for sure is that Earth Day raises the collective awareness of all-things-environmental. Last year, searches for terms like “recycle,” “global warming,” “composting,” and “conserving energy” increased substantially, and searches for “hybrid cars” increased by 1,500% on Earth Day 2008 alone.  


So as you embark on your quest for green knowledge today, Live Search is here for you. For those of you in the Los Angeles area, check out the Virtual Earth blog for info on how we’re working with LA County to help folks determine if their property is a good candidate for solar power. For you folks in the rest of the world, here are some “green-themed” searches to help you make better decisions to live a greener (and in one case, a more stylish) lifestyle.







For more tips and tricks for going green — visit MSN Green. Happy Earth Day!



Melissa Powell, Senior Product Manager, Live Search



P.S. From the corporate side of the house, if you’re interested in learning more about what Microsoft is doing to go green in our data centers, check out this post from our Global Foundation Services team.

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