Shoutout to Robert Scoble and our pals at Webmaster World!

Shoutout from our team to Robert Scoble, who is onstage at Webmaster World Wednesday morning. He will be doing a keynote panel (Morning Coffee Session with The Super Bloggers Of Search (Robert Scoble, Jeremy Zawodny, Matt Cutts ), talking about the cool macros stuff Andy Edmonds showed him last week and of course, the launch of Academic Search.

You go, Robert!

–Betsy Aoki

 4/19 Addendum – the crew wants to send another shoutout to our fearless leader, Director of Program Management Ramez Naam, who is participating in an afternoon  Webmaster World  Super Session described as “Search Engines and Webmasters: AKA, Search Engine SmackDown! Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Ask Jeeves.”

If he comes back with a new nickname like “the Body” or “The Mezzinator”….we’ll know why. :)