SIGIR, Index Sizes and VE

Greg Linden shares his thoughts on some of the MSR papers from this year’s SIGIR. You can find the full-list of the papers on the MSR site. MSN Search’s Erik Selberg notes that “Microsoft researchers co-authored 16 of 79 papers accepted into SIGIR (20%). 11 of these came from MSR-A, Microsoft Research Asia, in Beijing. This is a new SIGIR record for a single group; the previous was 5 from Bruce Croft’s lab at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst.” 

Ken Moss, the General Manager of Search, shares his thoughts on recent increases in Search Index size.

The Virtual Earth team has been busy putting up new sites. You can see how the new mapping product virtual earth was made with this funny documentary video and if you are interested in building on top of Virtual Earth check out ViaVirtualEarth, their new developer site. 

And I would have had this post out on Friday, but it was the tenth anniversary of MSN. We celebrated with some wine, song, and large inflatable mountain climbing – I didn’t quite get to the blog that day. 


Brady Forrest, PM