December Search Share Update by Matt

For those of you who may have missed it, Bing has continued to make steady increases to our US search share numbers. The full article is here.  December numbers we up to 10.7 overall share. This caps a remarkable six months since the launch of Bing, (we were somewhere below 7 percent share when we launched in June).


The most troubling trend here is that our share is increasing at the expense of Yahoo, rather than the other guys, but I think it’ll get much more interesting to track the share increase numbers once our previously mentioned Search deal goes through. Another key element to getting people to switch is getting better at helping them find what they are looking for. It’s good to see that Bing is improving in this department as well. The full article describing what a successful “Search Rate” looks like is here.


Clearly we still have work to do (judging by the comments) but it’s nice to know performance has been steadily improving! What’s your test search to see if Bing is working for you?